- Requires completion of either the Saturday trial class or 1:1 Onramp session before start of membership
- Requires 2 month commitment
- Auto-renews into the Standard Monthly membership price $275+tax (or $250+tax for limited Monthly) Unless athlete attends a minimum of 12 classes in their first 30 days and/or second 30 days of membership, then they receive their second and/or third month at $149+tax.
- Provides access to all standard class programs
- All Memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable
* Athletes who continue pass the 2 month commitment will be eligible for $50 off of an initial assessment for chiro, physio, or acupuncture at OCR
Limit: 1 class per 1 Day
Programs: CLASS - Barbelles, CLASS - Cross Training, CLASS - Gymnastics, CLASS - Metcon, CLASS - Park WOD, CLASS - Way of the Barbell, Functional Fundamentals, Lions Den Weightlifting, Living Steel , Powerlifting, Strength & Stretch, Track & Field (Central Tech), Workshop/Event
Locations: Academy of Lions